Dwellings - Basic results
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Explaining remark
The number of dwellings at 1 January 2021 represents data on the number of dwellings regardless of their occupancy.
The type of a house or other dwelling is specified according to the use of a house / dwelling or according to the predominant use of a house / dwelling.
Other residential buildings include e.g. parish, forester´s lodge, agricultural building intended for housing (majer), mountain hut, castle, chateau and manor house.
Emergency object, not intended for housing is mainly a shack, garage, warehouse, shed, shelter, or unimobunk.
The „other“ includes operating building with dwellings, emergency accommodation in the workplace, recreational building, mobile home and municipal / city offices.
The „institutional or collective facility“ includes: social services home, facility for the elderly, shelter, halfway home, emergency housing equipment, supported housing facilities, care service facilities, specialized facility, centre for children and families, diagnostic centre, medical and educational sanatorium, re-education centre, general hospital, specialized hospital, medical institution, hospice, nursing home, natural healing spa, spa, biomedical research facility, dormitory, student dormitory, religious or ecclesiastical institution, custodial or imprisonment institution, hostel (business accommodation without apartment), hotel-type accommodation (with apartment) and accommodation for singles.
Type of dwelling ownership expresses the legal relationship under which the dwelling is used
Another form of dwelling use is e.g. a dwelling owned by another legal entity (church, association, foundation), a dwelling in free use.
The number of rooms expresses the number of rooms in a dwelling. A room is considered to be a room with a floor area of 8 sqm or more.
A floor is part of a house / other dwelling on one of the floors.
Piped water is an indication of the dwelling's water supply. When using several sources of water supply, the predominant source was identified.
The flush toilet is an indication of the availability of a flush toilet intended for waste disposal.
The bathroom is a separate room in the dwelling with bath or shower. A dwelling with a bathroom also means a dwellingthat has a shower located in another room. The bathroom can also have a toilet.
The type of heating expresses the type of heating in the dwelling. In case several types of heating sources are used, the prevailing source is determined.
Other type of heating refers to other heat sources, e.g. mobile heating equipment.
Energy source used for heating expresses the data on the energy source supplying the heating medium in the dwelling. If more types of energy source are used, the prevailing source is indicated.
Another source of energy means that e.g. fuel cell, heat pump, etc. are used for heating of the dwelling.
Dwelling occupancy on permanent residence expresses the fact, that the dwelling has one or more inhabitants registered on permanent residence.
Dwelling occupancy on current residence expresses the fact, that dwelling was the factual residence of one or more inhabitants at the time of the decisive moment of the census.