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Explanatory notes

Methodological explanatory notes


Basic results

come in the form of dashboards. Dashboards consist of two-dimensional tables, with dimension always being the territorial unit and the second being the content variable from the 2021 Population and Housing Census, supplemented by graphs and/or thematic maps.

Extended results

are multidimensional tables containing 3 – 9 dimension, including the territorial unit dimension.

If a combination of indicators is selected for a multidimensional table which is not created, the following message is displayed: No records found.

If the combination of the selected dimensions in a particular territory gives zero values (0), then these records are not displayed.

The category “Remaining” always represents the sum of all categories except the selected ones. The total sum of the selected values of the variable with the value of “Remaining” always gives 100 %.

The category “Confidential” includes data that have been modified to eliminate the risk of identifying residents.

Geospatial data

are interactive thematic maps, i.e. data are supplemented by the spatial information and display phenomena there, where they are found in the real territory.

Time series

represent data, which follow the development of the given indicator on the level of the SR. The beginning of the time series is different in among different indicators, dependent on the accessibility of data and their comparability. Due to limited accessibility and problematic comparability, nor are the 1940 census data included in the time series.

Territorial breakdown

Territorial units for statistics (NUTS)


The territorial unit for statistics is a territorial unit for statistical purposes to provide comparable data within the European Statistical System and for analytical purposes. It relates to the implementation of the Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 1059/2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics. A distinction is made between regional territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and local administrative units for statistics (LAU).


Regional territorial units for statistics (SR=NUTS1, areas=NUTS2, regions=NUTS3).


Local administrative units for statistics (districts=LAU1, municipalities=LAU2).

When displaying data at the regional level, it is possible to analyse all or selected territorial units or only one territorial unit.
When displaying data at the local level, only one territorial unit can be analysed each time. At this territorial level, the aspect of being able to combine more content dimensions was given priority over the territorial aspect.

Data protection

Multidimensional tables including sensitive data have been protected. For this reason, the data in the protected multidimensional table, which the user aggregates from lower territorial units to higher, may differ statistically insignificantly from the data directly displayed in the multidimensional table at the level of higher territorial units, where data protection was not necessary.


horizontal line ( – )

Phenomenon did not occur

point ( . )

Could not be calculated

Marks and abbreviations


Absolute value

% (columns)

Relative value (share calculated from the indicators in the columns of the table)

% (rows)

Relative value (share calculated from the indicators in the rows of the table)


Unless otherwise specified in the multidimensional table, the table is processed for permanent residence. Based on the analysis of data obtained for the purposes of 2021 Census, usual residence in the Slovak Republic as at January 1, 2021 is identical to permanent residence.


Sex refers to the biological characteristics of a person, i.e. the fact whether they are anatomically female or male.

Age characteristics

The femininity index shows the number of women to the number of men in the population.

The masculinity index shows the number of men to the number of women in the population.

The ageing index shows the number of persons of post-productive age to the number of persons of pre-productive age.

Billeter's index shows the ratio of difference between the number of persons of pre-reproductive and post-reproductive age to the number of persons of reproductive age.


Age expresses the completed age of the resident. Age units divide the population into one-year age groups, in the Extended Results up to the age of 89, the older population is in one age group of 90 years and older (90+).

Economic age groups

Pre-productive age (0 - 14 years) is the age at which the population is not yet economically active.

Productive age (15 - 64 years) is the age at which the majority of the population is economically active.

Post-productive age (65 years and over (65+)) is the age at which the majority of the population is no longer economically active.

Reproductive age groups

Reproductive age groups represent age groups of the population defined according to their relation to the reproduction process. Population in pre-reproductive (0 - 14), reproductive (15 - 49) and post-reproductive (49+) ages.

Age characteristics

The median age represents the age that divides the population into two parts of equal size (half with a lower age and half with a higher age than the median).

The mean age shows the weighted arithmetic average of the number of years lived by members of the population until a given moment. It refers to the average age of the population.

The economic burden index expresses the number of persons in pre-productive age (0 - 14 years) and post-productive age (65+ years) per 100 persons in productive age (15 - 64 years).

The index of economic dependence of young people shows the number of persons of pre-productive age (0 - 14 years) per 100 persons of productive age (15 - 64 years).

The index of economic dependence of old people shows the number of persons in post-productive age (65+ years) per 100 persons in productive age (15 - 64 years).

Population density

Population density expresses the number of residents per 1 km² of a territorial unit.

Type of residence

Permanent residence refers to a resident’s permanent place of abode in the territory of the Slovak Republic. A resident must be registered for permanent residence in the Slovak Republic and may only have one permanent residence at the same time.

Current residence refers to a resident’s real (actual) place of abode in the territory of the Slovak Republic on the reference date. The resident doesn’t have to be registered for the current residence.


Citizenship is a legal relation of the resident to a state. For residents with multiple citizenship, data on the 1st citizenship is processed in the Extended results. The extended results present the 21 most numerous citizenships, the remaining citizenships are included in the "remaining" group, the unknown citizenship forms a separate group.

Country of birth

Country of birth is an indication of the country in which the resident was born. Extended results present the 22 countries with the highest numbers of residents born in them, the remaining countries of birth are included in the "remaining" group, residents with an unknown country of birth form a special group.

Residence abroad since 1980

Residence abroad since 1980 expresses information about a resident's stay abroad since 1980 lasting longer than 12 months without any interruption. The country of last residence abroad is indicated. A stay in the Czech Republic before January 1, 1993 is not considered a stay abroad. The extended results present the 25 countries with the highest numbers of residents residing in them, the remaining countries are included in the "remaining" group, the unknown forms a special group.

Residence abroad since 1980 inside and outside the EU

Residence abroad inside the EU refers the stay of a resident who has been in the European Union countries for at least 12 months without any interruption since 1980.

Stay abroad outside the EU refers to the stay of a resident who has been in countries outside the European Union for at least 12 months without any interruption since 1980.

Period of arrival in the SR

The period of arrival in the Slovak Republic refers to the period of arrival in the Slovak Republic from abroad, where the resident lived for longer than 12 months without any interruption since 1980.

Marital status

The marital status expresses the legal status of a resident, valid in the SR, related to a marriage (never married, married, divorced or a widow, a widower).

Period of current or last marriage registration

Period of current or last marriage registration is the period of the conclusion of the resident's current or last marriage registration. Current or last marriage registration was recorded for residents aged 16 and older.

Duration of the current marriage

The duration of the current marriage expresses the number of years from the conclusion of the current marriage to the decisive moment of the census.

Number of children born alive

The number of children born alive is a figure for the total number of children born alive to a resident. For the first time, this data was also surveyed among men. The number of live births was surveyed for residents aged 15 and older.


Education expresses the highest level of education that the resident has successfully completed by obtaining the relevant document.

Primary - 1st stage of primary school - completed 4th year of primary or special school. This also includes elementary school (national, municipal school), 1st level of special school, lower and middle level of special primary school - moderate intellectual disability; lower and middle level of auxiliary school, special primary school - severe intellectual disability.

Primary - 2nd stage of primary school – completed 9th year of primary or special school, 4th year of 8-year grammar school or an 8-year field of study at conservatory (music school), 2nd year of 6-year grammar school. It also includes burgher school (burgher or citizen school), higher and vocational level of auxiliary school; completed 2nd stage of special school, educational programmes on completing elementary education; completed 1st year of 5-year secondary school educational programme – admitted pupils of the 8th year of primary school.

Secondary technical (vocational) education with no graduation - with no certificate of apprenticeship, on-the-job training, pre-employment training – completed 1-year or 1.5 - 2-year apprentice school education with a final examination. It also includes secondary vocational school, a 2-year educational programme at secondary technical school, practical school; vocational school for students with mental disability, former technical school, vocational school involving a corporate (company), 1-year study at conservatory, 1-year study at girls’ school, lower technical school (e.g. school of agriculture).

Secondary technical (vocational) education with no graduation - with a certificate of apprenticeship – completed education at secondary vocational school or secondary technical school without a school-leaving examination - e.g. by completing training at 2-year schools of industry, business academy, medical schools, schools of agriculture and forestry. It also includes education at vocational school for students with mental disability (e.g. 3-year education at practical or grouped school).

Secondary technical (vocational) education with no graduation - with a final examination certificate - the former technical school (e.g. lower vocational medical school, vocational school involving a corporate (company), 2-year conservatory, 3-year girls’ vocational school, 2-year business academy).

Complete secondary education with graduation - technical (vocational) with a certificate of apprenticeship - completed secondary vocational school or apprentice school with a certificate of apprenticeship and a graduation certificate (e.g. 5-year or 4-year fields of study with graduation). It also relates to a graduate of secondary school with part-time study (evening school) or hotel academy within the secondary complete vocational education with extended number of hours of practical training.

Complete secondary education with graduation - technical (vocational) - completed secondary vocational school with graduation (e.g. 4-year school of industry, agriculture, business academy, medical school, school of pedagogy, school of applied industrial art, conservatory). It also includes higher school of industry, higher economic school, business academy, technical school, vocational school involving a corporate (company), school of applied industrial art.

Complete secondary education with graduation – general – it includes a graduate of completed grammar school or secondary general education school by passing a school-leaving examination. It relates to a resident with secondary education with graduation – a graduate of 11-year and 12-year secondary school, school of natural history, lycée, higher girls’ school and secondary school with part-time study (evening school).

Higher vocational secondary education - post-secondary with graduation – it includes a graduate of educational programme at secondary vocational school including a school-leaving examination for graduates of post-secondary fields of study, or he/she passed a technical school-leaving examination in post-secondary study lasting for at least 2 years. It related to fields of study such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, food production, transport operation, conducting business in crafts and services.

Higher vocational secondary - post-graduation (qualifying) - completed 1- to 3-year post-graduation qualifying studies, innovation studies, higher vocational schools, or additional pedagogical studies for graduates with secondary complete vocational education.

Higher vocational secondary education with a school-leaving examination, a graduation diploma - post-graduation specialization studies including a certificate of completion (not a graduation certificate). It includes a business institute, 8-year dance conservatory, 5th, 6th year of conservatory or above, or a 6-year secondary technical school educational programme, fields of study such as medical, humanities or art (e.g. art specialist with a diploma).

Higher education of the 1st level – Bachelor - a graduate of the first level of university studies with the academic degree of Bc.

Higher education of the 2nd level - Master, Engineer, Doctor - a graduate of the second level of university, including studies finished with a state final or doctoral examination. It includes holders of the academic degrees of Mgr., Ing., Ing. arch., JUDr., MUDr., MVDr., RNDr., RSDr., PhDr., PhMr., ThDr., akad. mal., akad. soch., PaedDr., PharmDr., ThLic. etc.

Higher education of the 3rd level - Doctoral (scientific education) - a graduate of the 3rd level of university studies (a doctoral study programme). It includes holders of the academic degrees of PhD., ArtD., doc., prof., CSc., DrSc. etc.

With no completed education - persons aged 0-14 years – it includes residents without school education under the age of 15 years.

With no school education - persons aged 15 and over – it includes residents without school education aged 15 and over.


Ethnicity is defined as the affiliation of a resident to a nation (in the cultural sense) or ethnic group, regardless of citizenship, mother tongue or language mostly used or spoken by a resident. The data are self-declaratory.

Another ethnicity

Another ethnicity is the affiliation of a resident to another nation (in the cultural sense) or ethnic group, regardless of citizenship, mother tongue or language mostly used or spoken by a resident. The data are self-declaratory.

Mother tongue

Mother tongue is the language which was spoken to a resident most often at home in childhood. The data are self-declaratory.

Religious belief

Religious belief is the membership or relationship of a resident to a church, religious society or religion, or participation in the religious life. The data are self-declaratory.

Current economic activity

Current economic activity refers to data on economic status of a person in the labour market.

Working person (except pensioners) represents an employed person or a person performing business activity, regardless of temporary absence at work due to temporary illness or vacation. It also represents persons working under a work performance agreement or an agreement on work activities.

Working pensioner is a person receiving a pension (old-age pension, early old-age pension, retirement pension, disability pension) and at the same time is employed or engaged in business activity. It also represents persons working under a work performance agreement or an agreement on work activities.

Person on maternity leave (paternity leave) represents a person who receives maternity leave and at the same time has an employment relationship. It does not include a person receiving maternity leave whose employment contract ended before 1 January 2021, or a person who has never been employed.

Person on parental leave is a person receiving parental benefit if, at the same time, his employment still lasts.

Unemployed is a person who is registered at the employment office, is unemployed, but is actively looking for work.

Primary school pupil is a person who attends primary school.

Secondary school student is a person who attends secondary school. For the different types of secondary education available, see the “Education category”.

College / University student is a person who attends full-time studies at a university. A person studying doctoral studies (full-time or part-time doctoral studies) is not considered a university student.

Person at home is a person who has no own income. A person who is voluntarily unemployed and not actively looking for work, an unemployed student of part-time study, who is not actively looking for work, or a person who is financially dependent on another household member.

Pensioner is a person receiving an old-age pension, early old-age pension, retirement or disability pension and has no other source of income.

Capital gains beneficiary is a person who has the main source of income, e.g. income from renting its own immovable property, gains from capital assets (interest on securities, deposits, etc.).

Pre-schooler is a person who has not yet reached the age set for starting school attendance or has a delay in school attendance or a person who is in the zero or preparatory year of elementary school.

Other is a person who does not belong to any of the previous categories (e.g. if he/she receives public aid, private financial aid).

Employment (ISCO – classes)

SK-ISCO-08 (classes) is an international standard classification of occupations and expresses the specific type of work performed. In the Extended results, the division of occupations to 43 classes is used. Employment (ISCO - classes) was collected for residents with economic activity: working, working pensioner, person on maternity leave or person on parental leave. Employment (ISCO - classes) was not collected for entrepreneurs and other persons who are not employees by an employment status (this group is marked as "not applicable") but have an economic activity: working, working pensioner, person on maternity leave or person on parental leave.

Employment status

Employment status refers to data on the status held by the person in the employment.

Employee refers to data on a person who has an employment relationship for a fixed or indefinite period of time or is in service. It also includes data on a person who works on the basis of a work performance agreement or an agreement on work activities.

Businessman having employees represents data on a person who is an entrepreneur and employs other employees as part of his business.

Businessman having no employees represents data on a person who is an entrepreneur and does not employ any employees as part of his business.

Businessman – unidentified, whether or not he/she has employees - represents data on a person who is an entrepreneur and data on employees are not available.

Other is a person who does not belong to any of the previous categories (e.g. member of a cooperative society, self-employed, interpreter, and expert).

Employment status was collected for residents with economic activity: working, working pensioner, person on maternity leave or person on parental leave.

Branch of economic activity (SK NACE – sections)

Branch of economic activity is the type of production or activity of a company or other entity in which a resident is employed. In the Extended results, the division of the SK NACE Rev. 2 is used (Statistical classification of economic activities) according to the first level (sections). The sector of economic activity corresponds to the main occupation performed by the resident. The sector of economic activity (SK NACE - sections) was collected for residents with economic activity: working, working pensioner, person on maternity leave or person on parental leave.

Commuting to work or school

Commuting tables are processed for the current residence.

Commuting to work or school refers to a data on commuting to work or to school in the given territorial unit of a resident from the place of current residence. Commuting to work or school was collected for residents with economic activity: working, working pensioner, university student, secondary school student, primary school pupil, or unknown.

Periodicity of commuting to work or school

Periodicity of commuting to work or school refers to data on the regularity of travelling to work or school from the place of current residence. The periodicity of commuting to work or school was collected for residents with economic activity: working, working pensioner, university student, secondary school student, primary school pupil or unknown.

Daily represents daily commuting to work or school from the place of current residence.

Other than daily – refers to e.g. 12-hour work shifts (short/long week) or any commuting other than every day.

Does not commute – relates to home office or individual study plan.

Mode of transport to work or school

The mode of transport to work or school is the predominant type of transport to work or school that a resident uses during the longest part of the journey (e.g. car, train, bus, public transport, scooter). The mode of transport to work or to school was collected for residents with economic activity: working, working pensioner, university student, secondary school student, primary school pupil or unknown.

Purpose of commuting to work or school

Purpose of commuting is information on whether the resident commutes to work or to school. The purpose of commuting to work or to school relates to residents with economic activity: working, working pensioner, university student, university school, secondary school student or primary school pupil.

Direction of commuting (outgoing/incoming) to work or school

Direction of commuting represents outgoing or incoming to/from the selected territorial unit. Direction of commuting to work or school relates to residents with economic activity: working, working pensioner, university student, secondary school student or primary school pupil.

Without an employment address – relates to data on a resident who does not have a permanent employment address.

Abroad – refers to data on a resident who has a place of employment or school abroad.

Unidentified – related to data on unidentified place of employment or school.

Type of residence (urban/rural)

Type of residence is urban or rural. The municipality is declared a city (= urban) by the National Council of the Slovak Republic on the proposal of the Government of the Slovak Republic.

Size group of municipalities

The size group of municipality is determined according to the number of population (e.g. the municipality belongs to the size group 0 to 199 inhabitants, because it has 64 inhabitants). Bratislava is processed according to city parts, not as 1 municipality, as well as Košice.


Type of house

A house is a residential building (family house, apartment house, social service facilities, facility for the elderly, dormitory, student dormitory, etc.) regardless of whether it was occupied at the decisive moment of the census and also a non-residential building, if it was occupied at the decisive moment of the census (shelter, shack, unapproved family house, etc.).

Period of house construction

Period of construction means data on the year of issuing the approval decision on the use of the building.

Number of floors

The number of floors expresses the total number of underground and above-ground floors of the house. A ground floor, each floor, attic and basement or cellar are considered as floors.

Type of house ownership

Type of ownership of the house is an expression of the legal relationship to the ownership of a house.

Other ownership includes special purpose houses and other houses not included in any of the previous options. It includes, for example, civic associations.

Bearing structure material

Bearing structure material means data on the material of the vertical bearing structure of a house. Bearing structures are considered to be the structures that support ceilings and a roof of a house. If the bearing structure is made of several materials, the predominant material is reported.

Earthquake-resistant construction is a structure made of steel, combined with another material (e.g. brick, concrete).

Other construction means a bearing structure of a house made of other materials, e.g. aerated concrete, lightweight concrete, lightweight masonry elements filled with glass wool, sand lime bricks, gabion, ceramics, straw or clay.

Type of water supply connection

The type of water supply connection is a part of pipeline that connects the distribution branch of the water supply network with the internal water supply of the house.

Gas connection of the house

Gas connection of a house defines options for introducing gas in the house, whether the house has a gas connection from the public gas network. The use of propane-butane cylinders and containers is not considered to be a gas connection.

Type of sewerage system of house

The type of sewerage system of a house means data on the type of sewerage system used.

Period of the last house renovation

The period of the last renovation is a time of the last renovation of a house. Renovation of a house means thermal insulation of the external cladding, renovation of windows, renovation of the roof or extension / superstructure in the range of 25% or more at least one of the listed parts of a house. If several parts of a house were restored, the period of renovation of the part of a house restored last time was stated.

House renovation (external cladding, roof, windows, extension or superstructure)

House renovation includes data, whether the house is renovated. House renovation means thermal insulation of the external cladding, renovation of windows, renovation of the roof or extension / superstructure in the range of 25% or more at least one of the listed parts of the house.

House occupancy status

A house is considered to be inhabited if there is at least one inhabited dwelling in it.


Type of house

A house is a residential building (family house, apartment house, social services facilities, facility for the elderly, dormitory, student dormitory, etc.) regardless of whether a non-residential building was occupied at the decisive moment of the census and also if a non-residential building was occupied at the decisive moment of the census (shelter, shack, unapproved family house, etc.).

Type of dwelling ownership

The type of dwelling ownership expresses the legal relationship about the use of the dwelling. It does not concern the ownership of the land on which the dwelling is located. Another form of use is e.g. a dwelling owned by another legal entity (church, association, foundation). This includes a dwelling in free use (no obligation to pay rent, living in the dwelling of relatives or acquaintances).

The dwelling is a room or a set of rooms with accessories arranged in a functional unit with its own closure, intended for permanent housing and for the purposes of the census also the so-called another dwelling, which is not originally intended for housing, does not meet the requirements for a dwelling, but was used for housing at the decisive moment of the census.

Total floor area of the dwelling in sqm

The floor area of the dwelling in sqm is a numerical data on the sum of the residential areas, kitchens and other rooms in the dwelling.

Number of rooms in the dwelling

The number of rooms expresses the number of rooms in a dwelling. A room is considered to be a room with a floor area of 8 sqm or more.

Location of the dwelling in the house

The location of the dwelling in the house (floor) is part of the house on one of the floors. The basement / cellar is marked if the floor of the dwelling is below the ground.

Piped water in the dwelling

Piped water is an indication of the dwelling's water supply. When using several sources of water supply, the predominant source was identified.

Flush toilet in the dwelling

The flush toilet is an indication of the availability of a flush toilet intended for waste disposal.

Bathroom in the dwelling

The bathroom is a separate room in the dwelling with bath or shower. A dwelling with a bathroom also means a dwelling that has a shower located in another room. The bathroom can also have a toilet.

Type of heating

The type of heating expresses the type of heating in the dwelling. In case several types of heating sources are used, the prevailing source is determined. Other type of heating refers to other heat sources, e.g. mobile heating equipment.

Energy sources used for heating the dwelling

Energy source used for heating expresses the data on the energy source supplying the heating medium in the dwelling. If more types of energy sources are used, the prevailing source is indicated. Another source of energy means that e.g. fuel cell, heat pump, etc. are used for heating of the dwelling.

Occupancy status of the dwelling

Occupied dwellings are dwellings that were the place of residence to one or more persons at the time of the census. Unoccupied dwellings are dwellings that were not the place of residence of any person at the time of the census. The occupancy of the dwelling distinguishes between permanent and current residence.

Permanent residence is a place where the resident is registered for permanent residence, the current residence is the actual residence of the resident at the decisive moment of the census, it does not have to be identical with the place of permanent residence.

Density standard

The total floor area of the dwelling in sqm per 1 inhabitant or the number of rooms per 1 inhabitant.

Period of house construction

Period of construction means data on the year of issuing the approval decision on the use of the building.

Gas connection of the house

Gas connection of a house defines options for introducing gas in the house, whether the house has a gas connection from the public gas network. The use of propane-butane cylinders and containers is not considered to be a gas connection.

Type of sewerage system of house

The type of sewerage system of a house means data on the type of sewerage system used.



Households are created based on current residence of their members (actual residence at the decisive moment of the census).

Dwelling Household (DH)

Dwelling household consists of all persons, who jointly occupy one dwelling, i.e. each occupied dwelling represents one dwelling household. Chief criterion: common housing.

Dwelling household member

Dwelling household member is understood as the person occupying the dwelling unit.

Census Household (CH)

Census household consists of persons who jointly occupy one dwelling and is determined on the basis of reciprocal family relations. Chief criteria: common housing and family relations. One dwelling household may consist of several census households.

Census household member

Census household member is understood as a person living in the census household either alone or with other census household members.

Family household

Family household consists of persons in relation (husband/wife, cohabiting partners) with children or childless , or one lone parent (father/ mother) with at least one child. They are divided into:

Couple households

  • Married couple households
  • Opposite-sex cohabiting couple households
  • Same-sex cohabiting couple households

Lone parent households

  • Lone father households
  • Lone mother households

Non-family household

Non-family household consists of persons without direct 1st degree family bonds (husband/wife, cohabiting partners, son/daughter, father/mother). Specific type of non-family households are one-person households.

One-person households consist of one person occupying a dwelling either alone or with another census household of which the person is not member.

Collective and institutional household

Collective and institutional household, this type of household is not based upon reciprocal family bonds between persons, but it is based on the type of dwelling, where the persons dwell, e.g. social services home, retirement home, shelter, halfway home, etc. Each dwelling of this type represents one collective and institutional household and all persons living in this dwelling are included in it.


Child (son/daughter) is considered a consanguineous, step- or adopted son or daughter (regardless of age or legal marital status), with residence in the household of at least one parent and does not have a partner nor own children in the same household. Children in foster care are not included.

Dependent child

Dependent child is understood as a person that reported oneself as being a son/daughter of another person in the family census household and whose age is equal or below 15 or between 16 to 25 inclusive while being economically inactive.

Average number of census households in dwelling households

Average number of census households in dwelling households is the number of census households per one dwelling household in the given territorial unit.

Average number of members in family households

Average number of members in family households is the number of members per one family in the given territorial unit.

Average number of children in family households with children

Average number of children in family households with children is the number of children in family households per one family with at least one child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of dependent children in family households with dependent children

Average number of dependent children in family households with dependent children is the number of dependent children per one family with at least one dependent child in the give territorial unit.

Average number of children in couple households with children

Average number of children in couple households with children is the number of children in couple households per one couple household with at least one child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of dependent children in couple family households with dependent children

Average number of dependent children in couple households with dependent children is the number of dependent children in couple households per one couple family with at least one dependent child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of children in lone parent households

Average number of children in lone parent households is the number of children in lone parent households per one lone parent family in the given territorial unit.

Average number of dependent children in lone parent households with dependent children

Average number of dependent children in lone parent households with dependent children is the number of dependent children in lone parent households per one lone parent household with at least one dependent child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of children in married couple families with children

Average number of children in married couple families with children is the number of children in married couple families per one married couple family with at least one child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of dependent children in married couple families with dependent children

Average number of dependent children in married couple families with dependent children is the number of dependent children in married couple families per one married couple family with at least one dependent child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of children in cohabiting couple families with children

Average number of children in cohabiting couple families with children is the number of children in cohabiting couple families with children per one cohabiting couple family with at least one child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of dependent children in cohabiting couple families with dependent children

Average number of dependent children in cohabiting couple families with dependent children is the number of dependent children in cohabiting couple families per one cohabiting couple family with at least dependent child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of children in lone mother families

Average number of children in lone mother families is the number of children in lone mother families per one lone mother family in the given territorial unit.

Average number of dependent children in lone mother families with dependent children

Average number of dependent children in lone mother families with dependent children is the number of dependent children in lone mother families with per one lone mother family with at least one dependent child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of children in lone father families

Average number of children in lone father families is the number of children in lone father families per one lone father family in the given territorial unit.

Average number of dependent children in lone father families with dependent children

Average number of dependent children in lone father families with dependent children is the number dependent children in lone father families per one lone father family with at least one dependent child in the given territorial unit.

Average number of urban dwelling household members

Average number of dwelling household members is the number of members per one dwelling household in urban-type residence.

Average number of rural dwelling household members

Average number of rural dwelling household members is the number of members per one dwelling household in rural – type residence.