Population - Basic results
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Explaining remark
Population size is a data on the number of residents with permanent residence in a given territorial unit of the Slovak Republic.
The type of residence is urban or rural. The municipality is declared a city by the National Council of the Slovak Republic on the proposal of the Government of the Slovak Republic.
The age groups are defined according to their relation with economic activity.
Citizenship refers to a legal status between a resident and a state. For residents with multiple citizenship the data on the first citizenship are taken over in the basic results.
Marital status expresses the legal status valid in the Slovak Republic related to a marriage (single/married, divorced/widow/widower).
The highest level of education attained denotes the highest level of education successfully completed by the population.
The group "without completed education (0 - 14)" represents the population without school education aged less than 15 years.
The group "with basic education" represents the population with completed 1st or 2nd grade of primary school.
The group "with a university degree" represents the population with completed 1st or 2nd or 3rd grade of university.
The group "without school education (15+)" represents the population without school education aged 15 and over.
The size group of municipality is determined according to the number of population (e. g. the municipality belongs to the size group 0 to 199 inhabitants, because it has 64 inhabitants). Bratislava is processed according to city parts, not as 1 municipality, as well as Košice.
The age expresses the completed age of a resident. Age units structure the population into one-year age groups.
The place of birth of a resident is the permanent residence of the mother at the time of his/her birth.
The ethnicity expresses the affiliation of a resident to a nation or ethnic group, regardless of citizenship, mother tongue or language that the resident predominantly uses or has the best command of. The data is self-declaratory.
Another ethnicity is the affiliation of a resident to another nation or ethnic group, regardless of citizenship, mother tongue or language that the resident also uses or has command of. The data is self-declaratory.
The mother tongue refers to the language which was spoken to a resident most often at home in childhood. The data is self-declaratory.
The religious belief is the membership or relationship of a resident to a church, religious society or religion, or participation in the religious life. The data is self-declaratory.
Current economic activity expresses the status in the labour market of a resident.
- Working person (except pensioners) is an employed person or a businessman, a person working subject to agreement to complete a job or agreement to perform work (except for an agreement on students' seasonal job).
- Working pensioner is a person receiving a pension (old age, early old age, retirement, invalidity) and, at the same time, is employed or conducts a business activity, a person working subject to agreement to complete a job or agreement to perform work.
- Person on maternity leave (paternity leave) is a person receiving maternity benefit if, at the same time, his employment still lasts.
- Person on parental leave is a person receiving parental benefit if, at the same time, his employment still lasts.
- Unemployed is an unemployed person who is actively seeking a job, and is registered as a job seeker with the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.
- Secondary school student is a person who attends secondary school.
- Higher education student is a person who is a full-time higher education or university student (except for a student in doctoral study programmes (full-time as well as part-time external doctoral studies)).
- Person at home is a person who does not have his own income or is voluntarily unemployed and who is not actively seeking a job, a non-working student in external studies who is not actively seeking a job and he is financially dependent on another family member.
- Pensioner is a person receiving a pension (old age, early old age, retirement, invalidity) without any other source of income.
- Person receiving income from capital gains is a person whose main source of income is e.g. income from letting your own real property, proceeds from capital assets (interest on securities, deposits etc.).
- Primary school pupil is a person who attends primary school.
- Pre-schooler is a person who has not yet reached the age determined as the beginning of school attendance, or if his school attendance has been deferred, or is in the 0-year or the preliminary year of primary school.
- Other is a group of people who do not belong to any of the categories above (e.g. if resident receives a public aid, private financial support).
Employment status expresses position of a resident held in job (employee, businessman and other – resident not included in any of the categories).
Employment expresses a specific type of work performed by a resident (working person, working pensioner or person on maternity / parental leave – only with employment).
Branch of economic activity expresses the type of production or activity of an enterprise or another entity for which resident works (e.g. human health and social work, education).